Fence Repair Service
Need a fence repair? We can knock out those fence repairs – request a quote or give us a call today!
Keep your wood fence looking New Longer and increase your fence life with our fence staining and sealing services.

Fence Services
Fence Repair Service
Tired of looking at that broken fence? Do you fight with that gate every time you open it? Stop! It’s time to give River City Fencing a call.
We can complete those gate and fence repair services for you or help you decide on a replacement fence or gate. We can review both options with you. Get the yard you can be proud of with a new or newly repaired fence and gate from River City Fencing.
Fence Stain & Seal Option
Did you know that organic means that something IS or WAS a living organism? While most of us may relate this to the produce section at the grocery store. It’s also an important fact about wood fencing.
Because wood fencing is sourced from living trees, it is considered to be organic by definition. However, once those trees are cut and planed into beautiful wood pickets, structural beams, wood trim, and wood rails, it is no longer living. Which means that the wood has immediately started to deteriorate and nature is working hard to recycle your wood fence back into Earth. The process of decay is accelerated by weather (wind, rain, ice, UV exposure, etc.), insects, and plant growth.
This is why River City Fencing offers staining services. Our stain and seal process allows your family to enjoy your fence longer and helps to add a depth of beauty to your wood fence. We offer a variety of stain color options that will accent your home’s curb appeal while giving your fence added protection from the elements. Request a quote online now.